Faculty Profile Pages

Faculty profile pages allow you to showcase your research & academic accomplishments within the website personnel directory. 

Faculty members can login and fill out their expanded Faculty Profile information and submit it, and Marketing and Communications will create your profile and add it to the university website.

This template is available for faculty, department heads and Executive Council members. It is not meant to be used by other staff members.


Profiles with banner (or action) photo:
Xinhua Bai
Lance Roberts

Profiles with standard profile photo:
William Capehart
Roger Johnson
Kyle Riley

Profiles with video examples:
Adam French
Micah Lande


To create your faculty profile:

  • GO TO: https://sdmines.sdsmt.edu/faculty-profile
  • LOG IN with your network credentials (must be on-campus or by vpn using single-sign-on with your sdsmt.edu email address)
  • CLICK “ENTER PROFILE”– to add information about Research Expertise, Brief Bio, or Teaching (1000 characters max – you do not have to fill out all the sections); Click Submit to save your entry. 
  • CLICK “EDIT PHOTOS”– to add a headshot or “action (wide format) photo.” If you already have a photo in the personnel database, you do not have to add another one. Click Submit to save your entry.
  • CLICK “SUPPORT DOCUMENTS” – to add .pdfs for your CV, Research Details, Publications, Awards/Recognitions, or up to two other documents. You must create these pdfs. You add them by browsing to the document on your desktop then uploading them. Click Submit to save your entry.
  • CLICK “ONLINE RESOURCES” – to add the URL for your personal or research website (if you have one). Add these even if they already appear on your current directory page. You may add up to two other URLs. Click Submit to save your entry.
  • CLICK “SOCIAL MEDIA”– to add URLs for specific social media pages or channels you may have. Click Submit to save your entry.
  • USE THE SAVE BUTTON– on the main entry page to save any work you have completed. This allows you to build this information incrementally, over several sessions, if you want to.
  • USE THE FINALIZE BUTTON– to send this information, when fully complete, to  Marketing and Communications, who will upload your information to the Faculty Profile template. 

If you need your profile UNLOCKED, or if you have QUESTIONS, please contact Julia Easton. (Julia.Easton@sdsmt.edu

To Submit a Faculty Video:

  1. Submit a 'web assistance' job request and provide the video file using one of these options:
    1. email the mp4 file to webmaster@sdsmt.edu or
    2. place the mp4 file on the F:\tmpfiles and provide the path to the video
  2. Once received, your video will be uploaded to the university YouTube account and placed within the bio section of your faculty profile page.  

If you don't have a faculty profile, follow the instructions above to set one up.