Associate Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE)Education
B.S., Alemaya UniversityM.S., University of Karlsruhe
Ph.D., Oklahoma State University
CM 319 (campus map)
Research Expertise
My research focuses on improving prediction of hydrologic and contaminant fluxes for better management of water resources using combination of field, laboratory, and modeling approaches. Current projects include: watershed modeling, development decision support tools for water resource management, green infrastructures for treating storm water in urban streams, fate and transformation of nitrogen, and organics in the vadose zone during soil-based wastewater treatment; modeling impacts of using tailored reclaimed water on nitrate leaching from irrigated crops, GIS-based nitrogen transport modeling for assessing aquifer vulnerability from onsite wastewater systems.
DST: Produced water management tool
The Decision Support Too (DST) [DST_Pr_v1.xlsm] is an optimization tool for the selection of oil and gas coal bed methane produced water treatment options for different wastewaters. Users can input feed water quality from various sources by region. The DST selects treatment methods capable of meeting beneficial use water quality requirement and calculates costs associated with a treatment train. DOWNLOAD DST
STUMOD_v2 is a tool developed for the purpose of predicting the fate and transport of nitrogen in soil treatment units (STUMOD, or Soil Treatment Unit Model). STUMOD calculates nitrogen species concentrations, and the fraction of total nitrogen reaching the aquifer or a specified soil depth. Input data include parameters for hydraulics and nutrient transport and transformation parameters. DOWNLOAD STUMOD