GIS Support

GIS Support

The GIS Support page is for students and faculty to download the necessary class software, new software updates, and for faculty to download the new updated version of the software.
  • (09/23/2022) The ArcGIS Pro 3.0.2 patch update is posted (re-install to update)
  • (08/22/2022) Victoria Karnes is the new GIS site administrator for everything ArcGIS!
  • (07/08/2022) ArcGIS Pro 3.0 is now posted. To update, reinstall ArcGIS Pro (no uninstall required)
  • (05/15/2022) All Esri licenses are updated for 2022-2023. To update ArcMap licenses, reinstall (no uninstall required)
  • (04/25/2022) XTools Pro 22 has been posted
  • (01/12/2022) ArcMap 10.8.2  is posted and ready to install (ArcMap 10.8.2 issues addressed list)
  • Current faculty and staff (and GGE students) probably have SSO accounts set up already, if you don't, request one
    This account provides access to ArcGIS Online ( and many applications (ArcGIS Pro, Survey123, Field Maps, ...)
  • ArcGIS Online / ArcGIS Pro login instructions
    • SSO login (pdf) (video) <- most people use these instructions (account is email_address_sdmines (e.g. horatio.darton@mines.sdsmt.edu_sdmines or horatio.darton@sdsmt.edu_sdmines)
    • ArcGIS login (For ArcGIS free account, or non-SSO South Dakota Mines account (video)  (South Dakota Mines non-SSO accounts look like: H.Darton_sdmines)
  • ArcGIS Online Getting Started web exercise
  • Survey123 makes it easy to do online surveys. Watch this 30-minute video to get started

 Before installing make sure your Windows computer meets the system requirements 

  • ArcGIS Pro | ArcMap  ArcGIS Pro 3.0 requires installing .NET Windows desktop x64 Runtime
  • Off-campus: open the OneDrive share (requires South Dakota Mines login) and read the README files posted there.
  • On-campus: open F:\install\ArcGIS network folder and read the README files posted there
  • The ArcMap install scripts silently license the software, just run (or re-run) the install script to update the license  (ArcGIS Pro is licensed through ArcGIS Online).
  • If you install a new version of ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro the old version is removed automatically. However, if downgrading (for example, ArcMap 10.7.1 to 10.4.1) you must remove the newer version first using Add/Remove Programs.
  • Optimizing South Dakota Mines Tablets for ArcGIS desktop applications 
  • ArcGIS Pro and ArcMap should not be run on OneDrive or Google Drive synched folders: see this warning from Esri Support.
  • ArcMap will be retired in 2026. ArcMap continued support information.
  • XTools Pro ( is a useful add-on for ArcMap and Pro. Mines has a global license for this software. See the install folders referenced above for installation details.
  • Our Esri license covers both Mines-owned and student, faculty, and staff-owned computers.
  • ArcGIS Pro | ArcMap keyboard shortcuts 

The the Fujitsu Lifebook T726, Lifebook P728 and even the old T901 tablets all pass the minimum requirements for ArcGIS Pro and ArcMap.  

But that doesn't mean you can't do things to increase ArcGIS performance:

1. Close other applications that may compete for memory with ArcGIS. (Logging out and logging in again can help will close any applications that may be running in the background.)

2. Use another computer. If your work is taking forever on your tablet, consider copying your project to a thumb drive or OneDrive (be sure and back it up!) and try working on a lab desktop that has more resources. If you are off campus, using remote desktop to access a more powerful computer on campus may be an option.

3. Do it online. Can you do what you need in the web browser using ArcGIS Online? You can easily find data and make maps and even do some very sophisticated analysis entirely online now. You can even access items created online later as needed in ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro.

4. Add RAM to your tablet. This makes a big difference! You can add RAM to your tablet easily and inexpensively, without invalidating your rental agreement. 

Here are some supported RAM upgrades, with examples from (This is not an endorsement, you can obtain RAM from anywhere -- along as you get the correct type.)

Check with the ITS Helpdesk for further recommendations.

Suggested RAM upgrades for South Dakota Mines tablets

Fujitsu Lifebook P728

(one 8/16G slot, std 8G) price:
16G $72

Fujitsu Lifebook T726 "red line"
(4G internal, one 4/8/16G slot,
  std 8G [4+4G]) prices:
8G $37 (total 12G [4+8G])
16G $72 (total 20G [4+16])

Fujitsu Lifebook T900/T901"white keys"

(2 2/4 slots, std 4G (2G x 2) price:
8GB kit (4G x 2) $50

(ArcGIS Pro requires of 8GB of RAM.)

The South Dakota Educational GIS Consortium maintains an Esri site license that provides unlimited access to GIS software, cloud services, and data to all member institutions. Support for the license is provided by the South Dakota Space Grant, GGE, AES, CEE, Facilities, and the Provost's office, and Consortium members: SDSU, USD, NSU, BHSU, LATI, MTI, SETC, WDTC, and Oglala Lakota College.


For more information, email Victoria Karnes

Department of Geology and Geological Engineering
South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
501 E. St. Joseph St.
Rapid City, SD 57701
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