
Before Travel


Request for Out-of-State travel via DocuSign (Instructions)
(Must be approved before making any travel expenses)
** No travel request required for in-state travel.

International Travel, SDBOR Policy 3-14, #5

Faculty and staff will be “at the expense of the university.” Students who are sponsored by the university for international travel should also be at the expense of the university. The only exception to this is if the person traveling is going to their home country (if not a US citizen). The insurance does not include home country coverage.

The cost for faculty/staff is $2.12/day, and with a minimum of 7 days.
The cost for students is $13.31/week.

When the international travel authorization is approved, the Ivanhoe International Center receives an electronic notification. They then reach out to the person traveling 10-14 days before the departure date and request any information that is required for the insurance. Once that is completed, info is submitted to the insurance company and an invoice is generated for the person traveling. The traveler also receives an email from the insurance company with additional information.

The invoice, along with instructions and appropriate codes, is sent to the person traveling, the person who submitted the travel request and/or the department Administrative Assistant. Please follow the instructions sent with the invoice. The invoice will be processed for directpayment. Payments by individual faculty for reimbursement are discouraged.

Request for Prepayment of Registration Fee
Hotels That Offer State Rate
Direct Hotel Bill Request
Fleet Vehicle Request (Submit to Facilities)
Cash Travel Advance
Travel Advance – Athletics
Student Activity Advance(For groups traveling and one person is paying for group’s expenses)
PaymentWorks (this is the new W9 process and it replaces the hard copy version)

This checklist is to be used as a tool to assist in preparing travel reimbursement details, but is not all inclusive. For additional information concerning travel regulations, contact accounts payable at 394-5153.

Out of State Travel Authorization

Out of State Travel Authorization approved and submitted prior to trip on DocuSign

- Attach screen print “FGIBAVL” to show available budget

- List all sources of funding, even if not paid with School funds

- Revisions need to be filed, if there are any changes to the original


- Do not use 3RD PARTY VENDORS/TRAVEL SITES for state travel (,,, etc.) for lodging, airfare, and rental cars.

- To ensure that the entire cost of that piece of travel is reimbursable the Office of the State Auditor recommends using the vendor directly (such as: Hilton for lodging – United for airfare – Hertz for rental cars)

Travel Reimbursement - Lodging

Required to be completed within 60 days of completion of trip, 30 days if an advance was taken

Motel/Hotel Lodging

Single room vs. double rate must be shown if more than one person in room.

Internet & phone: note on the front of the detail if personal or business and justify if business

Out of state lodging rates >$175/night require approval on Travel Request, prior to travel

Direct billed lodging must be noted on the front of the detail

Travel Reimbursement - Transportation

Taxis and Other transportation – original itemized receipts required

Taxis: list to/from location on the front of the detail

Car Rentals: Cost Justification required

Personally Owned Vehicle: Note license number at top of travel detail, 28 cents per mile allowed, unless no state vehicle was available from any of the three Rapid City fleet vehicle locations, (screen shot from Journey system showing no vehicles available required)

State Vehicle: Note license number at top of travel detail, cannot reimburse gas receipts on state vehicles. Those must be submitted directly to SD Fleet Management.

Parking: Enter on miscellaneous expense column, each day separately

Travel Reimbursement - Airline Ticket

Airline passenger receipt & flight itinerary required

If paid on PO, document PO# and dollar amount on the front of the travel detail

Travel Reimbursement - Registration and Agenda

Admissions Decision - Receiving your confirmation email

Registration: include copy of registration form, should list meals included in registration price. (If prepaid, show PO#, I#, or P-card J# and amount on front of travel detail)

Agenda/Schedule at a glance

Cover of program with dates and location of the meeting

If no agenda, document on the front of the detail “No agenda provided”

Additional Notes

-Each expense must be listed separately on each line on the detail

-Cannot claim another person’s expenses

-Tips are not allowed (should be removed from taxis, etc.)

-If not claiming an expense note reason, (i.e.; stayed with family/hotel paid by conference, etc.…)

-List off/on duty times for personal time taken during trip

-Mileage is calculated for shortest distance Google Maps

-Seat fees or upgrades on flights are not allowed per State Auditor we can only reimburse economy flights for travel.

Travel Regulations


a. In State travel: Needs only be approved by the department head. No authorization forms are necessary.

b. Out of state travel: An out of state travel authorization must be filled out, signed by the claimant and the department head and then submitted to your Division Vice President for approval through DocuSign. The department should keep a copy for their records. The authorizations are to be submitted before the travel takes place. They are required even if the expenses are not paid from school funds. Authorizations must be filled out for each person traveling. (Exceptions for Athletics & Student Group travel.)

c. Travel advance requests must be made on the proper form a minimum of 5 working days prior to the date the advance is needed. A copy of the Out-of-State Travel Request must be attached to advance request. Travel vouchers with an advance included must be submitted within 30 days of return trip.

d. Prepayment of registration fee must be requested on the proper form allowing adequate time to meet deadlines. If the vendor is not on system a South Dakota Mines W-9 is required.

a. Reimbursement for these individuals will be at the same rate, and under the same guidelines as state employees. This includes individuals claiming reimbursement for interview trips. Per diem & lodging rates for non-employees are at state rates in SD but may be at out-of-state rates while traveling outside SD.

b. Use Payment Works to get the individual into the Banner System.

c. Direct payment of hotel charges can be made only with prior approval. Please e-mail these requests to Barb Mustard

a. Airline tickets are to be purchased through the Purchasing Office or can be purchased personally and reimbursed on the employees travel voucher after the trip. Requisitions for airline tickets are to be done on-line. Tickets can be ordered from any travel agency. The requisition must include:

1) Vendor - any travel agency may be used
2) Name of traveler
3) Destination
4) Purpose of the trip
5) Date of departure and return
6) Cost of ticket
7) Account to be charged

Tickets are not to be ordered without a Purchase Order unless paid for personally and included on travel voucher. Tickets charged to South Dakota Mines are to be paid immediately, receive in the Banner System promptly. Fares paid by PO must show PO number and dollar amount on voucher but not added in totals.

b. Travel by car. State cars are available and reservations for their use can be made on-line. Contact Facility Services for information. A voucher requesting mileage or parking must include the vehicle license number. All travel by state vehicle must list state vehicle license number. Costs for use of a state vehicle will be directly billed to the department. If an individual chooses to use their personal car when a state car is available, they can be reimbursed only at the lower rate of 28 cents per mile. If no state car is available an individual can be reimbursed at the rate of 51 cents per mile. Copy of fleet system record to the effect that nothing was available must accompany any requests for reimbursement at the higher rate. Reimbursement for use of a personal vehicle on state business cannot exceed the cost of the most economical airfare. (These travel vouchers must show what the airfare for that particular date would have been.) An employee is allowed 2 days travel time each way when traveling by car; however the additional lodging and per diem charges should be considered when deciding if going by air would have been cheaper.

c. Routing of travel. Employees or students traveling on state business are to use the “direct route”, the shortest practical distance between two points. If an employee or student, for their own convenience travels by an indirect route, the extra expense is considered a personal expense. The date and hour of leaving travel status for personal time must be shown on the travel voucher, using OFF DUTY & RETURN TO DUTY notation.

d. Automobile rental. Request for reimbursement for a rental car must have a justification memo for such rental attached. This justification should state why a rental car was necessary and why taxis or public transportation could not be used. It should include an estimate of the cost of public transportation and an explanation of the distances, purpose of the trips, and number of travelers when applicable. All insurance on rental cars is a personal expense. Only exception, regarding insurance, is for student driver under specific age.

Allowances are as follows
Time schedule for meals:
Breakfast: 5:31AM - 7:59AM
Lunch: 11:31AM - 12:59PM
Dinner: 5:31 PM - 7:59PM

Breakfast $6.00 $10.00 $10.00
Lunch $14.00 $18.00 $21.00
Dinner $20.00 $28.00 $29.00
Total Per Diem $40.00 $56.00 $60.00
Lodging  $75.00 $175.00 plus tax
(+$100.00/ with prior approval)
$175.00 plus tax, per day, with additional
$100.00 with approval.

Per diem for meals is not payable at home stations except through the Foundation. Per Diem charges for travel that does not include an overnight stay is considered taxable income and will be reported to the IRS. Registration fees for home station events, that include meals, must have the per diem(s) subtracted from fees, before fees are paid, and these meal costs must be paid by the employee.

a. Mileage to and from terminals. Ten miles is allowed for trips to the RC Airport at 28 cents per mile, each way. Parking may have to be pro-rated if personal time is part of trip. Parking fees at the airport are allowed with proper receipt. (Only 1 trip to and 1 trip from airport are reimbursed). Vehicle license number is required on voucher.

b. Taxis and shuttle fares. Taxi and shuttle fares are allowable expenses. Receipts are required if fare is $5.00 or more. Tips on taxi or shuttle fares are not allowable. Travel voucher must indicate point of origin and destination for each trip by date. Travel to and from meals (that are not business meetings) are a personal expense and therefore not allowed. If receipts not available then a flat $5.00 may be claimed-noting receipt not available on detail.

c. Phone calls and Internet Use. While on travel status only phone calls and Internet use, relating to state business, are allowed. These are considered Miscellaneous Expenses and should not be added into daily room charges listed under lodging. Please note on hotel bill which calls and internet are “Business Related” and on detail as well. Mark other calls and internet as personal on billing.

d. Registration fees. Registration fees are an allowable expense and are noted in miscellaneous column. If the registration fee was paid in advance by South Dakota Mines it must be noted on the voucher but not included in the total. One ticketed meal fee is allowed that is in excess of the per diem allowance. If it was included in the registration fee, then that meal allowance for that day should be deducted from the daily per diem claim. If the registration was paid in advance by claimant, then the per diem allowance for that meal will be deducted from the per diem for that day. Any other meals included in the registration fee must also be noted in the same manner.

e. Other miscellaneous expenses. Expenses incurred while on travel status that are not included in these instructions may be allowable, please call the Purchasing Office if you have any questions on what is and is not allowed.


a. Lodging Receipts. Hotel or motel receipts should be the folio type that itemizes charges. Credit card receipts are not required if a zero balance shows. If the traveler shared a room with a non-employee, we must have the single room rate noted on the bill by the hotel clerk. If sharing a room with another state employee or student, each employee or student must file a claim for his share of the cost of the room. For purposes of splitting hotel expenses, a copy of the original bill may be used for the other travelers staying in the same room. Each copy should note who the other travelers were.

b. Programs. An agenda or program must be attached to the travel voucher. If the program is very large we will accept a photocopy of the 1) cover, and the pages listing the 2) agenda, showing meals included. The cover or agenda needs to show dates and location of the event attended.

c. Airline tickets. Passenger receipts must be turned in with the travel voucher, whether it was bought personally or through the school.

d. Miscellaneous. Receipts are required for any other expense for which you are requesting reimbursement. Exception: receipts for under $1.00 are not required. Personal expenses will not be reimbursed. For example: laundry, insurance, movies etc.


f. Registration. Receipts for registration fees, and something that shows how much the registration fee was and what was included. If there was no registration fee or the fee was waived this needs to be noted on the travel detail as well.

g. The above regulations are by no means complete, other requirements may apply. If you have questions, check with the Accounts Payable Department before submitting the travel voucher.

a. Travel Payment Detail forms must be filled out in order to be reimbursed for travel expenses. These forms are available online on the Purchasing web page. They must be signed by the claimant and the authorized person for the accounts. Please include the statement “All Claimant Wishes to Claim” on each travel voucher. Travel forms must be submitted within 60 days of trip to be eligible for reimbursement, 30 days if a cash advance is involved.

These advances differ greatly from individual travel advances. They do not have to go to Purchasing but can go straight to Accounts Payable in the Business Office for processing. No advances may be obtained from South Dakota Mines that will be paid strictly with Foundation funds.

Athletic Advances for Team Travel

Individual student Out of State Travel Requests are not required since individual details are not done with these types of advances. The advance amount is issued in a paper check form to the traveling coach. The form can be found on the school website. The top half of the form is completed in requesting the advance. Appropriate per diem rates must be applied in calculations. Most athletics lodging is done with a direct bill and therefore not included in the advance. In the event this is not true then the advance can include anticipated lodging expenses as well as transportation and other expected costs. If a state vehicle is used then vehicle expenses are not included in the advance.

Upon Return: Within 30 days of return the remainder of the form is completed with all original itemized receipts for the travel attached, as well as a list of the persons who traveled. In the event that students were given “their share” of the advance in cash (as in a specific food allowance) then the Confirmation of Student Receipt of Cash form must have been completed at the time a coach disbursed the cash and must be attached to the completed advance form as well (form is available in the Business Office prior to travel).

Expenses greater than advance: Expense and advance difference is calculated and marked on the completed form under Balance Due (to the coach). All paperwork is then brought to Accounts Payable for expense verification and actual posting to the proper athletics account with a direct deposit to the coach for the amount over the advance that the coach paid personally.

Expenses less than advance: All documents listed above will still be required and attached to the completed form. The remaining advance balance calculated after expenses must be turned in at the Cashier’s Office. A receipt is generated and attached before the total package is sent to the Business Office for expense verification and actual posting to the proper athletics account. If during the expense verification process an amount is deemed not allowable, you would be contacted by the Business Office to correct the amount due back to South Dakota Mines.

Student Activity Advances for Group Travel
Individual student Out of State Travel Requests are not required since individual details are not done with these types of advances. However, a single Out of State Travel Request should be completed with all traveling students’ names listed. The advance amount is issued to the group’s traveling advisor. The form can be found on the school website. The top half of the form is completed in requesting the advance. Appropriate per diem rates must be applied in calculations. If lodging is being direct billed this amount would not be included in the advance. In the event this is not true then the advance can include anticipated lodging expenses as well as transportation and other expected costs that are not being prepaid by South Dakota Mines. If a state vehicle is used then vehicle expenses are not included in the advance.

Upon Return: Within 30 days of return the remainder of the form is completed with all original itemized receipts for the travel attached, as well as a list of the persons who actually did travel. In the event that students were given “their share” of the advance in cash (as in a specific food allowance) then the Confirmation of Student Receipt of Cash form must have been completed at the time an advisor disbursed the cash and must be attached to the completed advance form as well (form is available in the Business Office prior to travel).

Expenses greater than advance: Expense and advance difference is calculated and marked on the completed form under Balance Due (to the advisor). All paperwork is then brought to Accounts Payable for expense verification and actual posting to the proper account with a direct deposit to the advisor for the amount over the advance that the advisor paid personally.

Expenses less than advance: All documents listed above will still be required and attached to the completed form. The remaining advance balance calculated after expenses must be turned in at the Cashier’s Office. A receipt is generated and attached before the total package is sent to the Business Office for expense verification and actual posting to the proper account. If during the expense verification process an amount is deemed not allowable, you would be contacted by the Business Office to correct the amount due back to South Dakota Mines.