Sanctions for Common Violations

Students found responsible for violating the South Dakota Board of Regents Student Code of Conduct or South Dakota Mines policies or procedures are subject to sanctioning found in the Student Code of Conduct. Below are the standard sanctions often issued by the Student Conduct Office and the Residence Life Office. These standard sanctions are for reference only. Final sanctioning is determined by the Community Standards hearing officer.

Illegally Downloading

  • 1st violation: Student must remove all illegal material from their computer, remove all downloading software, and demonstrate all materials have been removed.
  •  2nd violation: Choice of presentation, personal reflection paper, or $100 fine; student conduct probation for one full semester; student must remove all illegal material from their computer and present it to the ITS Department upon request.
  • 3rd violation: $200 fine or thirty hours of community service, counseling session, and possible loss of computer access or suspension. Student must remove all illegal material from their computer and present it to the ITS department upon request.

Tobacco Policy Violation

  • 1st violation: $50 fine and personal reflection paper
  • 2nd violation: $100 fine and one semester student conduct probation
  • 3rd violation: $200 fine, possible suspension from residential housing for one semester, and counseling assessment

Alcohol Policy Violation

  • 1st violation: $50 fine and completion of educational sanction
  • 2nd violation: $100 fine, completion of a brief alcohol assessment with counseling center staff (plus recommended action plan from counseling center), one semester student conduct probation, and parental notification
  • 3rd violation: $200 fine, parental notification, possible suspension for minimum of one semester, and possible alcohol counseling

Drug and Controlled Substances Policy Violation

  • 1st violation: $50 fine, completion of educational sanction, and possible parental notification
  • 2nd violation: $100 fine, completion of counseling assessment of at least 2 sessions (plus recommended action plan from counseling center), one year student conduct probation, and parental notification
  • 3rd violation: $200 fine, parental notification, and suspension for minimum of one semester 

Academic Integrity Policy Violation

  • 1st violation: Probation for one full semester
  • 2nd violation: Educational sanction with charge of $100,  student conduct probation for two full semsters
  • 3rd violation: Suspension for one full semester

Other Violation

  • The University reserves the right to fine for any student conduct violations. Fines will be determined by the Director of Community Standards and/or the hearing officers involved in the case.
  •  A full list of possible sanctions can be found in the Student Code of Conduct