
General Education Assessment
All South Dakota Board of Regents institutions adhere to the following common set of General Education Goals (SDBOR Policy 2:7). General Education assessment is conducted by the faculty on an annual cycle of two Goals per year; the process is coordinated by the Office of the Provost. Results from the general education assessment are utilized for continuous improvement efforts.
- GOAL #1: Students will write effectively and responsibly and will understand and interpret the written expression of others.
- GOAL #2: Students will communicate effectively and responsibly through listening and speaking.
- GOAL #3: Students will understand the organization, potential of the human community through study of the social sciences.
- GOAL #4: Students will understand the complexity of the human experience through study of the arts and humanities.
- GOAL #5: Students will understand and apply fundamental mathematical processes and reasoning.
- GOAL #6: Students will understand the fundamental principles of the natural sciences and apply scientific methods of inquiry to investigate the natural world.
Academic Program Review
All South Dakota Board of Regents institutions adhere to a common cycle of regular academic program review (SDBOR Policy 2:34). The cycle includes annual, mid-cycle, and comprehensive reviews and are performed through a collaborative process involving the academic program faculty, academic program leadership, and the Office of the Provost. Results from the academic program review are utilized for continuous improvement efforts.
Co-Curricular Program Assessment
Co-curricular program assessment is under the purview of the department leadership, who establishes an appropriate assessment plan and cycle for the co-curricular program. Results from the co-curricular program assessment are utilized for continuous improvement efforts.