FERPA for Parents

We recognize that parents provide a great deal of financial and emotional support to their children while they are students at South Dakota Mines.
However, we must balance this recognition with the fact that Mines students are legal adults and their legal rights must be fully respected. We cannot discuss your student's information without the written permission of the student.
FAQs for Parents
May I access my child's academic record?
Under FERPA, when a student reaches 18 years of age or enrolls at a postsecondary institution such as South Dakota Mines, the rights afforded to the parents of a student automatically transfer to the student.
What are my child's grades?
South Dakota Mines does not mail grades to students or to their parents. Grades are available for students to view online. Students wishing to share their grades with their parents can submit a request for a transcript, which then will be mailed to an address of their choice.
What if I have power of attorney?
A parent who presents a valid power of attorney executed by a student may request and receive records held by the Registrar's Office, on behalf of that student.