Atmospheric & Environmental SciencesMS

The Black Hills region of western South Dakota offers some of the most varied, dynamic, weather in the United States and is home to a wide range of ecosystems. This makes it an ideal place to study atmospheric and environmental sciences. Our program offers specialized undergraduate tracks in meteorology and environmental science, and accelerated Master’s degree options in both areas as well.
Master the art of weather predictions

Civil & Environmental Engineering DepartmentRequirements
- 3.0 GPA
- 3 letters of recommendation
- Official GRE scores
Bachelor’s Degree
- Atmospheric Sciences
- Geosciences
- Environmental Sciences
- Physics
Application Deadline
February 1
August 1
The thesis option focuses on graduate coursework and independent research. By the
end of the program, you will have a written thesis and an oral presentation that defends
your original work and contribution to the field of study.
In person
The non-thesis option focuses on graduate coursework and professional development.
There is no requirement for a thesis, project paper, or final exam. Learn the latest
advanced information and apply it to your work in the field.
Find jobs in civil engineering, resource management, renewable energy, environmental
remediation, and more! Work with a career specialist to explore your options.
Featured Research
- Climate Change Impact Studies
- Renewable Energy Systems Integration
- Environmental Risk Assessment and Mitigation
- Advanced Meteorological Modeling
- Disaster Preparedness and Response Strategies
Featured Courses
- Environmental Systems Analysis
- Climate Change and Sustainability
- Meteorology and Atmospheric Science
- Emergency Management Planning
- Energy and Environmental Policy