Science, Technology & SocietyBS

Why Mines?
Take advantage of award-winning instructors, small class sizes, and ready access to
undergraduate research opportunities, co-ops and internships, and activities and organizations.

Related Links
STS blog: The Novum
Program Highlights
Application InstructionsFeatured Courses
History and Philosophy of Science
Computers in Society
Current Bioethical Issues
Environmental Policy and Law
Psychology of Abnormal Behavior
Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society
Expand your horizons
Course CatalogTake advantage of internship opportunities and research experiences to test-drive
different industries to find the best fit for your interests.
Potential Employers
Monument HealthUS Air Force
Northwestern Mutual
Freeport McMoRan
Indian Health Service
SD Department of Labor
Career Examples
Community and governmentScience and technology
Law enforcement
Education - science and math teachers
Science lobbyists