South Dakota Mines Honors 690 Students for Academic Excellence

South Dakota Mines has recognized 690 students for their outstanding academic performance for the fall 2023 semester.
A total of 615 students earned a place on the Fall 2023 Dean's List while 75 part-time students were named to the Fall 2023 Academic Recognition List for their accomplishments. The Dean's List celebrates the accomplishment of full-time students, while the Academic Recognition List honors the success of their part-time counterparts.
"We are so proud of our scholars who have earned a spot on the Dean's List and Academic Recognition for their efforts and successes during the fall 2023 semester,” said South Dakota Mines Dean of Students Joe Dlugos, Ph.D. “This accomplishment does not happen by accident. Instead, it is through dedication to active participation in the classroom, countless hours studying and students motivating themselves to stay resilient even when faced with the challenging curriculum that South Dakota Mines offers. What's even more exciting is that these students will be tomorrow's top scientists, engineers and problem solvers contributing to society locally, nationwide and even globally."
In order to merit a spot on the Dean's List, students must earn a grade point average of 3.5 or higher for the semester. Full-time students must have earned a minimum of 12 credit hours for the term. To earn Academic Recognition, part-time students must have earned between three and 11 credit hours that term in addition to the 3.5 GPA.
To view the Fall 2023 Dean's List, click here. To view the Fall 2023 Academic Recognition List, click here. Students are listed by their hometowns.