
Parking Registration and Maps
Students and faculty/staff may register their vehicles online using the Parking Registration Form under the Quick Links below. The current Parking Map is available there as well. All vehicles (including motorcycles) require a parking permit for the school year.
Visitor Parking Info
Parking permits are required for all visitors of South Dakota Mines who do not park in designated visitor parking spaces. Visitor permits can be obtained at the Facilities building. Visitor permits are free and available ahead of arrival on campus with a call to the Facilities Services office at 605-394-2251 or Public Safety at 605-394-6100. With your permit displayed, you are welcome to park in any valid parking space on campus. South Dakota Mines departments who host visitors should make prior arrangements with the Facilities Department or Public Safety Department for visitor parking permits.
Parking Tickets
Violation fees shall be paid to the Cashiers Office located inside the Surbeck Center.
Appeals shall be made using the Facilities Services online Appeal Form. Such appeals must be submitted within five working days after the issuance of each violation notices, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays excluded.
Any appeal entered after 5 business days of their issuance will not be reviewed. Late
fees may be assessed if fines are not paid within two weeks of a failed appeal or
two weeks of an issued ticket.
Any campus member with unpaid parking tickets from previous years will be unable to register and obtain a permit for the upcoming school year.