J-1 Status

Students/Scholars/Interns in J-1 status are considered participants of the Exchange Visitor Program which is managed by the U.S. Department of State.

Your J-1 sponsor may be a university, educational institution, or organization that has brought you to the U.S. to fulfill a specific educational objective. Sponsorship by a university may or may not signify financial support. Sponsorship by an organization, on the other hand, is commonly connected with some level of financial support.

In most cases, a program sponsor issues the initial DS-2019 (needed to enter the U.S.) and subsequent DS-2019s. The program sponsor also has the authority to approve or deny on-campus employment, school transfers, and Academic Training. The program sponsor is listed on section #2 of the DS-2019 form.

Maintaining Legal Status: Basic Guidelines

Students/Scholars/Interns should be aware of the federal regulations governing their immigration status during and after completion of the study program. Violation of any of these regulations may result in the loss of immigration status If you "fall out of status" for any reason, you will no longer be eligible for permission to study, work, or other benefits afforded by the J-1 status. In some cases, you may be required to return to your home country. Consult with an advisor in the Ivanhoe International Center if you have questions about your visa status.

To request a DS-2019 (J) for the purpose of inviting family in J-2 status, please complete the following:

  • Upload the following to the Dependent Details form
    • Add a Dependent Form and your financial documents
    • Passport Identification page
    • Marriage license for spouse/Birth Certificate for child
      • Find these forms on our International Student Forms page
  • Insurance Requirements
    • a. J-1 Status individuals (students, interns, researchers)
      • i. You must show proof of insurance before the dependent arrives in the U.S.

Understanding J-1/J-2 Status: Additional Information

Contact Us:

Ivanhoe International Center
South Dakota Mines
501 E Saint Joseph Street
Rapid City, SD  57701-3995
Email: International@sdsmt.edu
Phone: 1.605.394.6884
FAX: 1.605.394.6883
WhatsApp and Google: 1.605.388.2003
Skype: sdsmt.international

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